Does Ultrasonic Rodent Repellent Work? | All You Need to Know!

Written by Thomas Matthews

Without a doubt, rodents are major pests indoors and outdoors. However, the debate about whether ultrasonic rodent repellents work effectively or not seems to be endless.

Some people say that these devices worked for them, but the question is, “For how long?” Are they worth buying or just a waste of money?

Ultrasonic rodent repellents do work, but their efficacy depends on several factors. Despite having no scientific studies to prove that devices are effective, many people have been using them to repel rodents. Scaring rodents with ultrasonic repellents is not a permanent solution.

As the name implies, ultrasonic rodent repellents are designed to scare rodents such as mice, rats, and squirrels by emitting high-frequency sound waves that are uncomfortable to them.

But are they effective in repelling rodents or not? This article will answer all your questions about ultrasonic rodent repellents.

Ultrasonic Rodent Repellent | What Does it Look Like?

Ultrasonic rodent repellents come in different forms, but most of them are small and portable. These electronic devices look like wall sockets or air fresheners.

Some of them have motion sensors to detect rodents, while others have timers to control the device. You can mount them on walls, depending on the design.

How Do Ultrasonic Rodent Repellent Work?

Ultrasonic rodent repellents work by emitting high-pitched frequency sound waves that are audible to rodents but above the range of human hearing.

These electronic devices typically emit sound frequencies between 20 kHz and 60 kHz. On the other hand, adult humans can hear a frequency range of about 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

Once ultrasonic rodent repellents are running, the rodents will hear the sound from them. These animals will then be irritated or will feel uncomfortable and are very likely to leave the area. These rodent-repelling devices are also used as an alternative to traditional pest control methods such as mouse traps and baits.

Depending on the design, most ultrasonic rodent repellents can be configured based on the instructions on the device. This means that the sound frequency can be set to the desired level, although some units may have an exact frequency. Some units have different designs from others and may work differently.

Do Electronic Rodent Repellents Really Work?

There is no scientific evidence proving that electronic rodent repellents work. Some manufacturers were sued by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the 1980s due to false advertising and were asked to return money to their customers. But then, it did not stop some people from trying these devices.

Interestingly, the use of sound to deter rodents is not a new strategy. In ancient China, people used mech anically-operated devices to create sound to scare rodents away from their farms and crops. No wonder many people today claim that electronic repellents can effectively repel wildlife such as rodents. 

Note, however, that not all rodents have the same sensitivity levels to sound. Some of them may get used to it and may no longer be scared once they hear it over and over again.

Therefore, it is safe to say that electronic rodent repellents have marginal repellency effects and are not a perfect solution to deter rodents.

How Long Does It Take for Ultrasonic Pest Repellers to Work?

The effectiveness of ultrasonic pest repellers varies which depends on several factors. This includes the number of pests and their sensitivity level to noise, the location of the device, and the area of coverage. Some users may get positive results within only a few days, while others may take a week or more.

In short, there is no exact time when ultrasonic pest repellers can start driving pests away. The key here is to test the device in a particular location and monitor the results very closely. But to work effectively, electronic pest repellents should not be facing the wall or anything that can reduce the effect.

How Long Do Electronic Rodent Repellents Last?

Most ultrasonic pest repellers should last between 3 and 5 years. To check if your device is still working, the LED indicator should be on. The longevity of the device depends on the model, the quality of the product, and how you use it. If you follow the instructions on the label, it will continue working for a long time.

Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Work on Squirrels?

Most ultrasonic pest repellers are designed to deter a variety of pests, including squirrels. According to a study, squirrels can hear sound frequencies ranging from 500 Hz to 32 kHz.

Since electronic rodent repellents emit sound at 32 kHz, one can easily assume that such devices can also work effectively against squirrels.

Some reports claim that ultrasonic pest repellers can also repel squirrels, but it has yet to be proven through scientific studies. But if you want to try, make sure you buy those devices that are specifically designed to repel squirrels. One of them is the Virine Rodent Squirrels Repellent Indoor Ultrasonic Pest Repeller .

Virine Mice Repellent Plug-ins, Rodent Squirrels Repellent Indoor Ultrasonic Pest Rodent Repeller Mouse Deterrent Rat Control for Home Attic Garage RV
  • 4-Function Switch - TEST: simulates the sounds that pests hear,...
  • Provides More Coverage - Each ultrasonic pest rodent control...
  • Keeps Noise Changing - The plug-in mice repellent varies the...
  • Maximum Effectiveness - Combining ultrasonic and electromagnetic...
  • Children and Pets Safe - Humans, cats, and dogs would not be...

Are Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Safe?

Ultrasonic pest repellers are generally safe to use since they don’t contain chemicals that pesticides have. As mentioned earlier, these electronic devices are designed to emit sounds that are not audible to humans. But then, it appears that this is not always the case, especially when it comes to younger people.

According to an experiment, ultrasonic devices emit sound in the 4-5 kHz range, but it did not lead to significant adverse effects on the participants once exposed for a short time. On the other hand, longer exposure to high frequencies was considered to be disturbing to younger participants, ages 18 to 25 years old.

Meanwhile, dogs can hear almost twice as many frequencies as humans do. They can hear sounds with a frequency range of 47 kHz to 65 kHz and up to 4 times farther away. Cats can hear sound frequencies between 48 Hz and 85 kHz. Therefore, your poor house pets can also be irritated by ultrasonic pest repellers.

What Is the Most Effective Ultrasonic Pest Repeller?

There is no scientific evidence that ultrasonic pest repellers are effective in repelling pests. However, it does not necessarily mean that they don’t work at all.

Otherwise, these devices will no longer be sold online and in stores because no one will buy them. As of now, manufacturers continue making them.

Not all ultrasonic pest repellers are created equal since they differ in design and area coverage. Most models are plugged into electrical outlets, while some are cordless and battery-operated or solar-powered.

To help you choose, below are three of the best and most effective ultrasonic pest repellers today:


The MOSTATTO Solar Powered Mole Outdoor Repellent emits low-frequency sonic pulses every 30 seconds and is designed to scare away burrowing rodents such as groundhogs, gophers, moles, and voles. This product includes 4 packs of nail-like repellents powered by a solar cell and can cover an area of up to 7000 sq. ft.

No products found.

2. Neatmaster Ultrasonic Indoor Pest Repeller 

This Neatmaster Ultrasonic Pest Repeller has three different settings and is for repelling indoor pests. You can use this device by plugging it into your electrical outlet. Since ultrasonic waves cannot penetrate through walls, the recommended use is one unit for every room. Each unit can cover an area of up to 80-120 sq. ft.

Neatmaster Ultrasonic Pest Repeller, Electronic Pest Repellent Ultrasonic Plug in, Pest Control for Bug, Roach, Spider, Ant, Flies, Mosquito; Bug Repellent Indoor for House, Garage, Warehouse
  • DRIVING OUT PESTS FROM YOUR HOME : Our mouse repellent uses state...
  • EASY TO USE : Simply plug our rodent repellent in the outlet,...
  • LARGE COVERAGE AREA : Our ant traps indoor is effective for an...
  • GREEN WAY TO REPEL PESTS :Forget the harmful chemicals, poisons,...
  • 3 to 4 Weeks to Work: Ultrasonic pest repellent can't work...

3. Victor M793 Ultra Sonic Pest Chaser Rodent Repellent 

This Victor M792 Heavy-Duty Indoor Sonic PestChaser is designed to repel rats and mice in large rooms such as attics, basements, garages, and warehouses. This plug-in repellent has a 6-foot power cord and produces varying high-frequency sounds that rodents hate but is safe for pets such as cats and dogs.

Victor M793 Ultra Sonic Pest Chaser Rodent Repellent - Repel Mice and other rodents
  • High-frequency ultrasound repels rodents
  • PestChaser emits ultrasound at varying volumes (peaking at 100db)...
  • Easy to use: plugs into 110V-AC wall outlet
  • 6 ft cord enables ideal placement
  • Reduction in rodent activity should occur within 6-10 days

What Is a Good Rodent Repellent?

What Is a Good Rodent Repellent

Aside from ultrasonic rodent repellents, there are other effective ways to repel rodents. This includes predator urine, such as fox urine, a vinegar solution, and essential oils from plants (citronella, eucalyptus, and peppermint). But again, repellents are not always as effective as the other forms of rodent control.

Does Peppermint Oil Repel Mice?

Does Peppermint Oil Repel Mice

100% pure peppermint oil  can repel mice and other rodents because of its strong and minty scent. But then, results may vary, and it may not work in some circumstances. Its effectiveness as a mouse repellent is also temporary since essential oils evaporate quickly. In most cases, re-application is necessary.

Plant Therapy Organic Peppermint Essential Oil 100% Pure, USDA Certified Organic, Undiluted, Natural Aromatherapy, for Diffuser, Skin, Hair, Therapeutic Grade 10 mL (1/3 oz)
  • NURTURE YOUR SPIRIT: Add a few drops of our peppermint oil in...
  • IDEAL FOR RELIEVING NECK TENSION: To help relieve head and neck...
  • VERSATILE USE: Use in aromatherapy, massage, DIY beauty products,...
  • 100% PURE & ORGANIC: Our premium GMO-FREE Peppermint oil is steam...

How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Mice?

How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Mice

Exterminators underwent in-depth training, and most of them have years of experience in getting rid of mice. First, they will inspect the property to identify the source of the problem and the extent of the infestation. Afterward, these pest control professionals will design a customized plan depending on their analysis.

These exterminators may use mouse traps, baits, or rodenticides in solving the mouse problem. In worst cases, they may combine all these methods as part of their integrated pest management plan. But because mice are very likely to come back, exterminators may also give you some advice on preventive measures.

Is it Possible to Get Rid of Mice Infestation?

It is very much possible to get rid of a mouse infestation. But then, there are no shortcuts and don’t expect positive results overnight. The key is to act as early as possible.

Know where the mice could be hiding and their pathways. Check dark areas that you seldom visit and listen to their noises, especially at night. 

Then, put some mouse traps or bait stations, and monitor the results. Eliminate their food sources by storing food (and pet food) in airtight containers and disposing of garbage regularly.

Note that there could also be some pups or baby mice in their nest. If you leave them, they will soon die and will attract more pests.

If you will use rodent repellent sprays, make sure that small children and pets are away. Also, look for the possible entry points of mice and seal them off. If there are damaged screens of doors and windows, repair or replace them at once. If a mouse infestation is severe, contact the nearest exterminator within your area.

Related: Rodent Pest Control | Types, Control Guide, Prevention, and Products

List of Sources

Frye, M. (2016). Ultrasonic Devices? Ultra-Ineffective. New York State Integrated Pest Management.

Aflitto, N., DeGomez, T. (2015). Sonic Pest Repellents. The University of Arizona.

Jackson, L. L. Heffner, H. E., Heffner, R. S. (1997). Audiogram of the Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger). Journal of Comparative Psychology.

Thomas Matthews
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