Albino and White German Roaches | Uncommon Variations Explained!

Written by George Climer

Seeing white cockroaches could be a rare sight for many. Thus, you could be either weirded out or excited to see such creatures.

What are albino and white German roaches? There’s no such thing as albino cockroaches. Those white roaches you see aren’t albino but typical cockroaches in the molting phase. On the other hand, a white German roach is a cockroach species, but its color, with the same explanation, is due to its molting phase.

In other words, there are no natural white cockroaches. This article will give you more information and further discuss these weird white-colored roaches that are great at hiding and scurrying around.

What Is an Albino Roach?

What Is an Albino Roach

First of all, the word albino pertains to animals that have a genetic abnormality called “albinism.” According to the National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation, albinism is a genetic disorder affecting an organism’s ability to produce a sufficient quantity of pigment melanin, making them lack in color.

Since these animals can’t generate adequate pigment molecules in their exoskeleton or skin, they tend to be white in color.

Though white cockroaches are common, there has never been a documented case matching the definition of albinism on a white roach. This is because the albinism condition isn’t known to affect cockroaches. 

When you see a white cockroach, know that albinism isn’t the cause of it—it’s only a typical cockroach that’s in the molting stage.

What Does an Albino Cockroach Look Like?

As mentioned above, there’s no such thing as an albino cockroach. It’s simply a cockroach shedding its old exoskeleton.

Furthermore, if you happen to see white roaches, know that they’re typical cockroaches revealing their new exoskeleton underneath. These roaches are soft and creamy white in color and may often look like a different species.

What Is Molting?

What Is Molting

Molting is also known as sloughing and shedding. It is the casting off a part of an animal’s body—often its covering or outer layer. Molting happens at specific times in a year or during a particular point of an animal’s life cycle.

What Is a White Roach?

What Is a White Roach

It’s a cockroach undergoing the molting phase that typically lasts several minutes to a few hours. All cockroaches have to go through a molting phase several times, making them more common than you expected.

A German roach, for example, shed off its white exoskeleton and revealed its light brown to tan color. But some cockroach species will turn into their natural color, black or brown. According to a study, pigmentation plays a larger part in their bodies, not just in their colors. It can also affect their circadian rhythms or biological clocks.

Related: Life Cycle of a Cockroach|Fascinating Stages Explained

Why Do You Seldom See a White Cockroach?

Why Do You Seldom See a White Cockroach

The reason why you rarely see white cockroaches is that they’re great at hiding during their molting phase. At this stage, they’re extra vulnerable as their new exoskeleton is particularly soft.

Once they regain their hard exoskeleton, they will then start to show up and scurry for food and water. 

Are White Roaches a Problem?

White roaches are a problem. They tend to multiply aggressively, and their presence indicates that an existing infestation is growing. 

Thus, if you see white roaches in your home, it’s a sign that you need to take action right away, as it also suggests that breeding adults are also in the area. Apart from that, they can also trigger asthma and allergies, so it’s best to deal with them as early as possible.

How to Prevent White Roaches?

How to Prevent White Roaches

To prevent white roaches from scurrying across your home, you may do the following:

  • Make sure to keep your house clean. Roaches usually thrive in filthy and disorganized environments, so having clean and organized surroundings is a must.
  • Ensure to seal foods in airtight bags and containers to prevent them from getting contaminated or attracting cockroaches.
  • Cover your trash cans with tight lids and make sure that all your areas are dry.
  • It’s also vital to seal off cracks, and cover sink drains, and electrical outlets. This way, you can ensure that you’re preventing roaches from entering your place.

How to Get Rid of White Roaches?

How to Get Rid of White Roaches

To get rid of the white roaches, you can opt to do the following methods:

Insecticides Application

One of the ways to eliminate roach infestation is by using insecticides. When they spend some time in the open, it’s best to observe where their hideout is and apply an insecticide in that particular area.

Since insecticides come in a variety of forms (aerosol & liquid), make sure to read their respective instructions thoroughly for proper use. When using an insecticide spray, make sure not to spray on countertops, floors, or walls as it won’t be effective.

Target only their hideout to ensure the efficiency of the application.

Note: Remove all your utensils before insecticide application to prevent contamination.

Use Diatomaceous Earth

Use powder or dust such as diatomaceous earth and boric acid on areas where roaches are often found. A white roach dies after it creeps over an area treated with these powder components.

Use Baits

Baiting is the most effective way to eradicate a white roach fast. Baits contain a food attractant that lures roaches and makes them die after consuming the bait within a few minutes. 

To make a DIY bait, use a sprinkling insecticide on food scraps and place them where roaches are commonly found.

Use Citrus

Another way to repel white roaches from your home is by using citrus. The scent of citrus deters bugs from infesting your place. 

To make a solution out of citrus, add a small amount of lemon juice to the water and use it to mop your floor. The scent of the mixture will fend off the white roaches, making it one of the cheapest yet most effective methods for eliminating roaches.

Essential Oils Application

If you’re not into chemicals, you can opt for essential oils to eliminate these pests. Essential oils are your best alternative in getting rid of cockroaches naturally.

Choose an oil that has a strong scent to ensure effective use. You may pick lemongrass oil, peppermint, or tea tree oil.

To make the solution, mix a few drops of oil into a bit of water in a clean spray bottle. After that, spatter the mixture on the areas where they typically hang out to eliminate them.

Baking Soda Application

Apart from essential oils, you can also use baking soda to erase the existence of white roaches in your home. For the best result, cut some onions and sprinkle baking soda on top of them.

After that, make sure to put the onions with baking soda in places where you frequently see them. Once they eat it, it’ll make them bloat, eliminating them almost instantly.

Related: 8 Proven Home Remedies for Cockroaches | Effective and Natural Solutions

Hiring a Cockroach Removal Service

For a thorough and best white cockroach extermination, you can hire a professional pest control service. These experts can help you eradicate your pest problems in the best way possible. 

They can also help you to prevent future re-infestation as they’re highly knowledgeable in dealing with pest issues.

Why Are Cockroaches So Hard to Eliminate?

Cockroaches are so hard to get rid of because of their incredible immune system. They’re highly resistant to fungi and microbes, making them extra hard to eliminate. 

They also have a great sense of smell and movement, enabling them to sniff off food, as well as trouble and run away from it promptly. This is one of the many reasons why cockroaches are so hard to get rid of.


Albino and white German roaches are two different conditions. While the German roaches are an existing species, the albino roaches are non-existent. 

This is only a term used by some to describe a white cockroach under a molting phase.

To get rid of these roaches, you can use insecticides, baking soda, and essential oils or hire a professional pest control service for the best result.

Related: How to Get Rid of German Cockroaches? | Effective Methods and Prevention Tips

List of Sources

Homberg, U., et al. (2003). Neural Organization of the Circadian System of the Cockroach Leucophaea Maderae. National Library of Medicine – National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Potter, M. (2018). Cockroach Elimination in Homes and Apartments. University of Kentucky.

Boone, C., et al. (2013). Boric Acid: General Fact Sheet. Oregon State University Extension Services.