Northern Mockingbirds are frequent visitors of residential areas. As such, it isn’t shocking that they may cause several problems for homeowners, especially when they flock to your yard or lawn.
This is why it’s important for you to know how to get rid of Northern Mockingbirds. Using audio and visual deterrents, pruning vegetation regularly, installing magnets, and spraying them with water guns are effective methods in doing so!
If you want to learn more about these birds, their nature, and strategies you can employ not only to get rid of them, but also prevent them from coming back, this comprehensive guide will help you!
What Is a Northern Mockingbird?
Known as a slender-bodied, medium-sized songbird, the Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) is able to sing the entire day, even as the night comes. In fact, it’s capable of learning about 200 songs throughout its entire life.
Northern Mockingbirds are well-adapted to living in residential areas, preferably those with open spaces. They can usually be spotted on fences, high vegetation, telephone wires, and roof eaves.
Why Are Mockingbirds Aggressive?
It’s no secret that Northern Mockingbirds are a particularly aggressive species. This especially intensifies during the nesting season when they attack and chase off birds and other animals to defend their territories. They are known to attack animals as large as cats, dogs, and even humans.
Can You Legally Get Rid of Mockingbird?
Yes, with human and ethical methods. Since Northern Mockingbirds—and their nests, eggs, and feathers—are legally protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, you would have to acquire a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services to employ lethal methods of getting rid of them.
Despite this, it is still important to consider other methods of deterring these birds without having to kill or harm them. Additionally, check with your local government policies before you plan to get rid of Northern Mockingbirds as you may have different regulations imposed.
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7 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Northern Mockingbird
Irritate them with Loud Sound
Employing auditory deterrents is one of the most effective ways of driving Northern Mockingbirds away. Do so by banging garbage can lids or metal pans, slapping two boards together, striking a bell, or beating a metal tub. You can be creative and innovative with this if you want to!
Use Owl Decoys
Purchase predator decoys then place them strategically in your yard to scare off Northern Mockingbirds. You can use models that resemble owls, hawks, and coyotes. Make sure to relocate these around to maintain its effectiveness against the birds.
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Use Ultrasonic Bird Deterrents
Install ultrasonic sound bird repellents in areas where they frequently visit or in existing nesting sites. These devices produce high-frequency sounds that are uncomfortable for Northern Mockingbirds but are otherwise harmless to humans.
Alternatively, you can also use distress call sound systems to get rid of these birds away from your yard. Some products are able to emit high-decibel sounds of up to 153 decibels at a distance of up to 300 yards.
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Prune Your Trees Regularly
Consistently prune tree branches and brushes to reduce the attractiveness of these vegetation to Northern Mockingbirds. This helps lessen or completely remove potential nesting sites for these birds.
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Try to Use Magnets
Birds use geomagnetic fields as a way of navigation. Attaching magnets to fences, tree branches, and other structures may help disrupt the Northern Mockingbirds’ sense of direction and get rid of them.
Use Lights
You can also use bright lights to keep Northern Mockingbirds away from your yard, especially at night. Some examples are strobe lights, motion-activated floodlights, and bird lighthouses. Place these devices near perching areas.
Use Water Guns
Although this may be time-consuming, you can use water guns to drive Northern Mockingbirds away. This doesn’t harm them but it would definitely startle the birds. Avoid using high-pressure water hoses or pistols as these may potentially harm the birds.
How to Keep Northern Mockingbirds Away From Feeders?
Consider switching to bird feeders designed to exclude Northern Mockingbirds such as tube feeders, caged feeders, and nyjer feeders. Hanging types are most suitable but make sure they are squirrel-proof by choosing feeding ports and perches made out of metal.
Additionally, you can also simply change the bird feed you’re offering to native birds. Northern Mockingbirds are not particularly interested in nuts or seeds, so you should start serving more of these.
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How to Prevent Northern Mockingbirds From Coming Back?
Preventive measures are centered on making your property look less alluring to Northern Mockingbirds as possible. To achieve this, here are some methods you can employ:
- Trim down trees, shrubs, bushes, and other vegetation in your area that may serve as potential nesting sites for the birds.
- Switch to the appropriate bird feeder or change the feed you provide native birds to discourage Northern Mockingbirds from visiting your yard or lawn.
- Dispose of any seed wastage, fallen fruit, and other spilled food that may attract Northern Mockingbirds. Do this regularly to keep your yard clean.
- Install the bird deterrents mentioned earlier. For better results, use a combination of visual, auditory, and physical deterrents. Make sure to move them to new locations every now and then.
- As much as possible, refrain from using pesticides or other chemicals that may potentially attract insects since Northern Mockingbirds consume them.
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List of Sources
All About Birds. (n.d.). Northern Mockingbird.
Breitmeyer, E. (n.d.). Northern Mockingbird.
National Audubon Society. (n.d.). Guide to North American Birds: Northern Mockingbird.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. (n.d.). Migratory Bird Treaty Act Protected Species (10.13 List).
University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (n.d.). International Migratory Bird Treaty Act (IMBTA).
Willcox, E. V., Hostetler, M. E., Main, M. B., & Voigt, M. (2019). Attracting Backyard Birds: Bird Feeder Selection.
Vantassel, S. M., Hygnstrom, S. E., Curtis, P. D., Smith, R., & Hygnstrom, J. (2013). Structural Pest Control Program Bird Management Manual.
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