How to Get Rid of Ants Naturally | Eco-Friendly Solutions

Written by Thomas Matthews | checkbox Reviewed by Articles on Pest Samurai undergo a rigorous evaluation process by our Science Editors. Each article is scrutinized prior to publication and upon significant updates. Learn more about Pest Samurai Editorial Process. Steve Vanatta

Did you know there are over 12,000 species of ants worldwide? While some are harmless, others can be both an irritating presence and a significant economic and health threat. Discover how to get rid of ants naturally, effectively tackling these pesky invaders without causing harm to your environment or family.

How to get rid of ants naturally? To get rid of ants naturally, you can apply boiling water to ant hills. You can also use vinegar or peppermint oil to spray the entry points of ants. Spreading Diatomaceous earth around mounds and ant trails and pacing borax ant baits around your home and garden can rid of ants.

So don’t expect ants to just go away. These tiny little creatures will not hesitate to take advantage once they find what they are looking for. In the following sections, we have provided our in-depth guide on natural methods for ant control. If you are having an early infestation of ants, this will certainly be of interest to you. Let’s begin!

Natural Way to Get Rid of Ants | Natural Ant Control

Ants venture into houses and gardens in search of food, water, and new places to make their nests. And if they find favorable conditions, they will leave a pheromone trail so that the other ants can follow. This can turn into quite a problem as ants colonies grow quickly. If you do not want your home to be invaded, you have to take timely measures in order to prevent a bigger infestation. 

There are different ways to approach ant infestation and a variety of natural methods and solutions. Your end goal with every method should be to kill the ant queen

This is important because if the queen is left alive, she will continue producing the eggs. Actually, a queen can lay hundreds, even thousands of eggs per day, depending on the species. These tiny eggs will soon turn out to be workers ready to invade your home again. 

Most of the ant species are pretty harmless but some of them need to be approached with more caution as they could pose a threat to you or your home.

By using natural ways to get rid of ants, you can ensure that no toxic chemicals will enter your environment. There are simple yet tested and effective solutions that will help you kill and repel ants in a safe manner.

What Kills Ants Naturally?

What Kills Ants Naturally

There are several natural solutions that are known to be effective in pest control. The best and most efficient ones include boric acid, borax, and Diatomaceous earth. 

Boric acid has been used for years as an insecticide. There are different forms of boric acid (liquid, tablet, or powder). Boric acid is toxic to pests (ants included). When digested, it poisons their stomachs, affects their metabolism, and abrades their exoskeletons. Even though considered safe to use in the home, keep boric acid out of reach of children and pets. 

Borax on the other hand is a natural mineral collected from evaporated deposits or mined from the ground. It works very similarly to boric acid and this is easy to understand because they are both the same compound but with different formulations.

Borax slowly interferes with the ant’s digestive system, ultimately killing them, but not before they get back to the colony and share the poison with the other ants. You can substitute boric acid with borax if you see that ants are not that attracted to boric acid, try borax, and vice versa as some ant species can react differently.

Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder made from fossilized algae. This is a completely natural product that is extremely effective for ant control. The tiny particles of DE have very sharp edges which cause cuts to the insect’s body after contact. This damage leads to water evaporation, dehydration, and eventually, death.

Diatomaceous earth is safe to use both inside and outside of your house, though it is not suitable for humid environments as it gets ineffective when it comes into contact with water. Always use food grade Diatomaceous Earth for pest control, and not the one that is used in swimming pools.

Natural Ant Traps

You can prepare natural ant traps that are completely non-toxic and safe for you and the environment. 

Method 1: Baking Soda and Powdered Sugar Natural Ant Traps

Step 1: Combine equal parts baking soda and powdered sugar. As the particles are similar in size, ants can not distinguish the two. The sugar will attract them, and the baking soda will kill them as it makes a reaction with the acid in their digestive system. 

Step 2: Put the mixture in jar lids and place them in strategic locations where the ants tend to gather a lot. Wait for the ants to feed on the mixture and die.

Method 2: Boric Acid and Corn Syrup Natural Ant Traps  

Step 1: Mix one teaspoon of boric acid with a 1/4 cup of corn syrup.

Step 2: Spread the mixture on waxed paper and place it near ant trails, their points of entry, or places where they gather. 

Step 3: Wait for the ants to feed on the mixture. They will take bits back to the colony and poison the rest of the colony as well.

Method 3: Borax, Honey, and Sugar Natural Ant Traps  

Step 1: Mix one teaspoon of borax with equal parts of honey and sugar. 

Step 2: Put the mixture in jar lids, bottle caps, or other types of shallow containers, you could also dip some bread in the mixture. 

Step 3: Place the containers or pieces of bread around the house and garden where you often see the ants. The ants will feed on the poisonous mix and share it with the rest of the colony.

Just remember, in case you have pets or children, do not use boric acid or borax-laced ant traps near them. If this is the case, make sure to place ant baits in safe and hard-to-reach places.

Related: Do Dead Ants Attract More Ants? | The Play-Dead Phenomenon!

Natural Ant Spray

Natural Ant Spray

It is easy to prepare a natural ant spray that will kill ants. The best thing is that you probably already have all the needed ingredients in your kitchen cabinets.

Method 1: Soap and Water Natural Ant Spray 

One of the most effective methods uses dish soap or Castile soap as a base ingredient. 

Step 1: Mix equal parts of warm water and soap in a spray bottle. 

Step 2: Spray the ants and wait for a bit as the soapy mixture coats their bodies and suffocates them. This spray also masks the pheromone trail they leave behind so the other ants won’t be able to follow.

Method 2: Vinegar and Water Natural Ant Spray

Vinegar is another very effective ingredient you could use to prepare a natural ant spray

Step 1: Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use it to spray and kill the ants. 

Step 2: Vinegar is also a very effective way to keep the surfaces clean and will remove the scent of the pheromone trails and repel ants from coming in again. 

Method 3: Lemon Juice and Water Natural Ant Spray

You can also use lemon juice instead of vinegar as it will also destroy the pheromone scent trails. 

Step 1: Mix one part of lemon juice with 3 parts of water. 

Step 2: Spray it on ants and their trails, as well as around the entrances and the perimeter of your home.

Natural Ant Repellent

The best way to prepare a natural ant repellent is to use essential oils such as peppermint oil, orange oil, and tea tree oil. These oils are safe and effective (plus, they smell great!) You can use only one of them or make a mixture for a stronger effect. 

Step 1: Fill a spray bottle with 15 drops of peppermint oil, 15 drops of tea tree oil, 7 drops of orange oil, and 1/4 cup water.

Step 2: Mix well and spray on places where ants are prevalent.

Do not use this mixture on kitchen counters and surfaces where you prepare food. For food-preparation areas, use only a solution of 15 drops of peppermint oil and 1/4 cup of water. Keep essential oils out of reach of pets, especially cats.

Ultimate Guide: How to Get Rid of Ants | Safe and Effective Methods

How to Get Rid of Ants Naturally | Instructions 

So far we have given you enough information to convince you that it is absolutely possible to get rid of ants naturally. But depending on where the ant infestation is located, some methods are more effective than others. 

Read on to find out more instructions on how to repel and kill ants efficiently whether they are outside in your garden or yard or inside your home.

How to Get Rid of Ants Naturally Outside

Ants are such a typical sight outside of your house and most of the time we barely pay attention to them. That is until anthills appear and ruin your garden, or when these pesky creatures start to make their way to your potted plants and eventually find their way to your kitchen. Before all of this happens, take the appropriate measure to get rid of the ants and avoid a bigger infestation.

Step 1: Ant Repellents

One of the best ways to get rid of the ants outside is to plant herbs and plants that are natural ant repellents. Some of these plants include mint, bay leaves, rosemary, and thyme. Ants dislike the strong smell of these plants and will keep them away. 

Step 2: Essential Oils

With the peppermint essential oil soak the cotton balls and place them strategically outside of your house on places where the ants usually gather. You can also dilute the essential oil with water and spray it outside to destroy their trails. Always choose an all-natural and pure peppermint essential oil.

Artizen 30ml Peppermint Essential Oil - 1 Fluid Ounce - 100% Pure & Natural Peppermint Oil for Aromatherapy & More - Mint Essential Oils - Essential Mint Oil - Mint Flavor for Oil Burn
  • 100% Pure & Natural Peppermint Essential Oil - Artizen Essential...
  • Ideal for Aromatherapy, Candle & Soap Making: Add a few drops of...
  • Most 4 Ounce Peppermint Oils Contain Less Than 1/3 Natural Oil -...
  • Glass Bottles with Eyedropper - Our high-quality glass bottles...
  • Seeking Calm? Relax with Artizen - We create the perfect...

Step 3: Diatomaceous Earth

Apply Diatomaceous earth close to any ant trails you see, near the trunks of the trees, and other places where ants tend to gather. Remember to use a mask while applying to avoid breathing in the fine DE powder.

Earthborn Elements Diatomaceous Earth (5 Gallon), Resealable Bucket Pure Freshwater Amorphous Silica
  • Earthborn Elements Diatomaceous Earth in a resealable bucket
  • Freshwater silica powder, great for DIY projects and stain...
  • Diatomaceous Earth is a natural source of freshwater amorphous...
  • Pure & Undiluted: Never any additives or fillers
  • Packaged in USA

How to Get Rid of Ants in the House Naturally

As we already mentioned, ants venture into the house mainly because they are searching for food. Anything from open boxes and containers in the cupboards, dirty plates in the dishwasher, food leftovers in the trash can, or uneaten pet food in your dog or cat’s bowl can attract them. And once they find the food source, they will keep on coming back in search for more. 

Here is exactly how to get rid of ants in the house naturally and how to prevent them from coming in again. 

Step 1: A Clean House

Keep your kitchen clean at all times. Do not keep food out in the open on the kitchen counters or in the cupboards. Store everything in tightly sealed containers. Take out the trash regularly and clean your pet’s food bowl once it has finished eating. 

Step 2: Vinegar Spray

Wipe surfaces often using a solution of 50:50 vinegar and water. This will help not only to disinfect but also remove the pheromone scent trail ants leave for the others to follow. Apply the spray not only on the surface of the counters and tables but also around the windows, doors, and other places that ants might use as an entrance to your home.

We recommend that you use a natural and safe 20% industrial-strength white vinegar.

Bluewater Chemgroup 20% Professional Grade Concentrated Vinegar | Dilutes to 4 Gallons of Multipurpose Cleaning Vinegar | 4X Power Vinegar | Hundred's of Industrial & Home Uses
  • CONCENTRATED FORMULA: 4X Stronger than your traditional white...
  • MULTI-USE: Perfect for cleaning, laundry, automotive and...
  • ACIDITY: The acidic nature of vinegar is so powerful it can...
  • KITCHEN USES: Sink, Stovetop, Floors, Pots & Pans, Microwave,...
  • OTHER USES: Getting rid of stubborn stains! Lots of stains,...

Step 3: Essential Oils

Soak the cotton balls in lemon eucalyptus oil (an essential oil that contains citronella, which is a natural ant-repellent). Place the balls where you have seen ants and change them weekly. Choose a 100% pure & natural undiluted lemon eucalyptus oil for maximum effect. 

Artizen Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil Therapeutic Grade - 1 fl oz (30ml)
  • Pure & Natural Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil - Artizen Essential...
  • Avoid Inferior Diluted Lemon Eucalyptus Oil - Many competitors...
  • Most 4 Ounce Lemon Eucalyptus Oils Contain Less Than 1/3 Natural...
  • High Quality Glass Bottles With Eyedropper - We utilize premium...
  • Seeking Calm? Relax with Artizen - Create a soothing atmosphere...

Step 4: Ant Baits

Place ant baits near the entrances of your home. The ants will take the poison (including dead ants) back to their colony. After the ant queen consumes the bait, their colony will die. Use pet-safe ant baits that are suitable for indoor use.

Homeplus™ Ant Killer AB, Metal Ant Bait, Ants Killer for House, Ant Traps Indoor & Outdoor, 4 Pack
  • Metal Ant Killer Bait: Attracts and kills many different species...
  • Food Lure Ant Bait: The child-resistant metal bait stations use 4...
  • How it Works: Worker ants carry and share the bait with the rest...
  • Quick Results: Starts killing worker ants within 24 hours; you...
  • Usage: Homeplus Ant Killer AB baits are great for getting rid of...

How to Get Rid of Ant Hills Naturally

An ant hill is far from just a pile of dirt and needles. These structures are much more complicated than they look and getting rid of them will ensure that you have eliminated the whole ant colony. 

What you see on the surface is just the top of the construction, below in the ground, there is a very sophisticated structure with interconnected tunnels, galleries, and chambers that maintain the needed climate and provide the optimal conditions for the colony to thrive. 

Getting rid of the ant hill is sometimes the only solution to your ant problem. The following is a simple step-by-step guide for getting rid of the ant hills:

Step 1: Locating the Ant Hill

Follow the ant trails to locate the anthill. Depending on the species, the ant hill might look different. Also, the location of the nest will depend on the ant species, for example, inside your house, in the garden near the trunk of a tree, or somewhere else in the open. You might not be able to see the whole ant hill.

This is the case with pavement ants, which nest in the cracks of the pavement. But once you have found the entrance to the nest, you can start applying the following step.

Step 2: Hot or Boiling Water

Boil a large pot of water and pour it right into the entrance of the nest while the water is still piping hot. It is best if you do it early in the morning while the ants are closer to the surface. The hot water will kill the ants and cause the nest to collapse. If the nest is bigger, prepare several pots of boiling water and pour as many gallons (liters) as needed. 

Step 3: Observation and Follow Up

Keep an eye on the anthill in the following days and repeat the process if you still see ants coming from the ant hill.

It is recommended to wear high boots and long trousers tucked in the boots, to avoid any angry ants trying to escape, biting, and crawling onto you (especially if you are dealing with fire ants). 

In addition to boiling water, you can use cinnamon (an effective natural ant repellent). Sprinkle the cinnamon generously around the anthill and inside the entrance to prevent them from coming out. As you will need a lot of cinnamon, we recommend buying a bigger bag of cinnamon to ensure you have enough to cover the entire ant hill. 

Frontier Organic Ground Vietnamese Cinnamon, 1-Pound Bulk, Premium Quality Cinnamon, Full Balanced Spicy Flavor, Kosher
  • VIETNAMESE CINNAMON - Saigon cinnamon, also known as Vietnamese...
  • A VERSATILE INGREDIENT - Vietnamese cinnamon is mainly used as a...
  • FLAVORFUL AND AROMATIC - Vietnamese cinnamon is prized amongst...
  • ORGANIC FROM VIETNAM - Frontier Co-op Organic Vietnamese Cinnamon...
  • ABOUT US - Owned by stores and organizations that buy and sell...

Remember that most of the time ants do not build only one nest but a whole network of them. Inspect the surrounding area for satellite nests that need to be taken care of as well (they can be pretty far from each other)

How to Get Rid of Ants in Grass Naturally

To get rid of the ants in grass naturally, first deal with any ant hills in the proximity by using the methods described above, then do the following:

Step 1: Mow the Grass

First of all, mow the grass. This will make applying natural insecticide and dealing with the ant problem much easier.

Step 2: Natural Insecticides

Sprinkle Diatomaceous earth on the lawn, near the trunks of the trees, and anywhere you see ants. It is best if you apply it early in the morning or late in the afternoon when ants are the most active. Remember that for it to be effective, Diatomaceous earth must be reapplied after rain or in humid weather. 

In addition, you can use citrus oil to spray the grass, garden plants, and trees. It will not harm the plants but help to get rid of the ants. Prepare a natural insecticide by mixing orange essential oil 3/4 of a cup, 1 tbsp of dish soap, 1 tbsp molasses, and 1 gallon of water.

Green Gobbler All-Natural, Cold Pressed Concentrated Orange Oil for Home and Outdoor Multi-Purpose Cleaning- Hundreds of Uses, 32 oz
  • POWERFUL HOME CLEANER AND DEGREASER. Green Gobbler Cold-Pressed...
  • THOUSANDS OF PRACTICAL USES. Orange oil is an extremely versatile...
  • COLD-PRESSED TO PRESERVE INTEGRITY. Heat is not used during the...
  • SAFE TO USE ON NEARLY ANY SURFACE. Use on practically any surface...
  • WONDERFULLY REFRESHING SCENT. Chemicals like bleach and ammonia...

You can also apply EcoLogic Lawn & Yard Insect Killer Concentrate. This product is completely natural and safe to use around pets and children. It is made with naturally derived lemongrass oil.

No products found.

While ants in your garden can sometimes be useful as they aerate the soil and eat other insects, too much of them can take over sections of the lawn and cause damage to the roots of grass and plants. Control them by using the above-mentioned ways. In some cases, there is no need for toxic chemicals that are harmful to your kids or pets.

Natural Pesticides for Ants | Natural Products to Keep Ants Away 

As we already mentioned, the most effective natural pesticides for ants include boric acid, borax, and Diatomaceous earth. You can find them in most hardware and garden stores. The following are some of the products based on them that we recommend:

Safer Brand Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth – 4lb

Safer Brand 51704 Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth – 4 lb
  • Animal feed additive or use as an inert carrier or anti-caking...
  • Composed of ground freshwater diatomaceous earth
  • Natural – no chemicals added
  • Compliant for organic use
  • Made in the USA

Made in the USA from crushed fossilized algae, the Safer Brand Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is completely natural and suitable for organic use around the home and garden. The package of 4 lb is big enough for everyday use, you can sprinkle the powder wherever you see ants and their trails. 

Absorbent Industries Diatomaceous Earth 1lb Bag with Powder Sprayer Insecticide Duster

Absorbent Industries Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Powder with Powder Duster for Pest Control, 1LB Bag Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas with Diatomaceous Earth Duster Included
  • Effective Pest Control: Utilize our diamateous earth and powder...
  • Food Grade Pet Safe: This food grade diatomaceous earth pet safe...
  • Versatile Applicator: The diatomaceous earth applicator is...
  • Precise Dispensing: Our hand duster for pest control allows for...
  • Multi-Use Spreader: The diatomaceous earth spreader ensures even...

This convenient powder duster and a 1lb bag of Diatomaceous earth will make it much easier to combat your ant problem. The metal powder duster will help you reach and sprinkle the powder into cracks, crevices, wall voids, and so on. Safe to use around your house and garden. 

Ecoxall Chemicals Fine Powder Boric Acid 1lb 

Ecoxall Boric Acid Fine Powder - 1 Pound - 99.9% Pure Fine Powder - Highly Effective Multipurpose Cleaner - Used as a Kitchen Cleaner, Laundry Stain Remover and Deodorizer - Industrial Grade Strength
  • BORIC ACID: Boric acid, also known as boracic acid or orthoboric...
  • MULTIPURPOSE CLEANING: Versatile in nature, this fine powder is a...
  • INDUSTRIAL GRADE: With its industrial-grade strength, our Boric...
  • LAUNDRY USAGE: Elevate your laundry game by incorporating this...
  • DEODORIZING POWER: Experience the deodorizing capabilities of our...

This is a 99.9+% pure industrial-grade strength boric acid. With a fine powder texture which makes it easier to mix and use in ant baits and traps. Ecoxall Chemicals Fine Powder Boric Acid comes in a convenient bag that does not allow leakage or spillage.

TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Bait Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations

TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations
  • Attracts & Kills – Kills common household ants including...
  • Kills the Ants You See & the Ones You Don't – As worker ants...
  • Works Fast – You should see a significant decrease in the...
  • Ready to Use – Place the bait stations, watch it attract ants,...
  • Use Throughout Your Home – Place stations near areas where...

Easy to use pre-filled ant baits with Borax that will kill most of the household ants. This patented design prevents the baits from drying out. Place the bait near ant trails and entrances.

Orange Guard 101 Home Pest Control Gallon

Orange Guard Home Pest Control with D-Limonene | All-Natural Food Grade Orange Peel Oil for Bugs, Ants, Roaches, Fleas, Palmettos and Silverfish - 1 Gallon
  • Repels Insects, Bugs, Ants, Roaches, Fleas, Palmettos and...
  • 100% Natural - Pet and Family Friendly
  • Active Ingredient D-Limonene 5.8% (Orange Peel Extract)
  • Indoor and Outdoor Use
  • Eco-Friendly and Biodegradable

Safe and natural, the Orange Guard 101 Home Pest Control kills most common household pests (including ants) on contact. Also, this product repels them from coming back. It can be used around pets and children. 

List of Sources

McCollum P., Get Rid of Ants in Your Vegetable Garden, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
Ants, University of Minnesota
Gator J., Controlling Ants in the Home and Landscape, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and University of Florida
Cathcart F., Ants don’t have to be a bother inside. Get rid of ants naturally, Metro News

Thomas Matthews
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